Advice in Times of Uncertainty: Help Clients Overcome their Financial Fears
We are clearly living in uncertain times. With Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, spiking inflation, high gas and oil prices, and COVID impacts still lingering, the financial markets have responded with record volatility. Consequently, many clients are paralyzed by fear. As a licensed psychologist, I am regularly tasked with helping individuals manage fear. In times of uncertainty, advisors too must lean on their “behavioral psychology” skills as they help clients overcome their financial fears. Simply delivering well-founded investment advice is not enough. When fearful, clients often resist, avoid, and reject your advice. It is during these times that you can draw upon the following four skills used by psychologists to move clients from fear to action.
Say things like:
Provide clients with:
Focus on Opportunity
Once you’ve adequately prepared your clients, deliver your advice through a lens of opportunity. Clients often view uncertain times through a lens of threat that clouds their ability to see opportunities that exist. Before calling clients, consider 1) how you intend to mitigate impending risks and 2) how you will shine light on available opportunities. Strive to ease clients fears by calmly explaining the steps you propose to manage clients’ perceived risks. As you reassure clients that their financial situation is in good hands, transition your conversation to existing opportunities (e.g., refinancing, re-balancing, business lending). As clients’ perceptions shift from threat to opportunity, their motivation to act heightens.